Change The World Together
By Sarah Baker
This highly relevant, heart-warming and entertaining musical captures the spirit of the times, being about a young person determined to make a difference in the face of climate change.
Fifty years in the future, the people of a small town are celebrating their annual Tree Festival. Old Sofia explains that, when she was young, the importance of trees wasn’t understood - which almost led to disaster. The play moves ‘back in time’ to the present day, where a younger Sofia is the only protesting voice at the cutting down of too many trees. As time passes and weather patterns change dramatically, it becomes obvious that Sofia was right all along. The colourful cast of characters (including a know-all birdwatcher, a greedy landowner, three axe-wielding loggers and a bunch of windy cows!) make light of Sofia’s worries and soon there are no trees left. At last people realise that things must change and, with Sofia taking the lead, they plant new trees to replace those that were cut down and make adjustments to their lifestyles. Gradually the balance of nature is restored.
Children are very engaged with this topic. They will appreciate the powerful message in this show, as well as enjoying the great balance of humour, drama and wonderful songs.
The show has been performed round the world. This is a promotional video from Phoenix International Primary School, Malawi.
Running time approx: 55 minutes